Periodontics is a highly specialised field addressing gum needs.

What is the role of a specialist periodontist?

Periodontics is the field of dentistry that encompasses implant surgery, bone grafts, gum lifts, and treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease (gum disease).
Periodontics generally begins with an assessment and evaluation of a patient’s gum tissue (known as periodontal tissue). It can be assisted in the surgery by the removal of plaque, calculus (tartar) and general staining, as well as the application of decay-preventing agents as required. And it is best maintained at home by means of a dental care routine specifically designed by your general dentist or dental hygienist.
However, there are some circumstances in which a patient may require additional advanced periodontal treatment, known as periodontics.

Procedures with a specialist periodontist

The purpose of implant surgery is to replace missing teeth or teeth that cannot be saved by conventional means. Implants range from single-tooth replacement to a complete upper and lower arch replacement. Bone grafting, or bone augmentation, involves the insertion of synthetic filler bone to encourage growth of the natural bone around it. A gum lift is a cosmetic lifting of the gum line of the front six teeth, these days done using laser – a quick, effective and virtually painless procedure that does not require stitches and heals well.
Who will provide my Periodontic Treatment?
At Collins Street Specialist Centre your periodontal treatment will only be carried out by a registered specialist periodontist.
To qualify as a registered specialist periodontist in Australia, practitioners must first have the same degree as a general dentist, with honours. They then study for a further three to four years for a Masters degree or equivalent specific training, making them eligible to apply for registration with the Dental Board of Australia as a specialist periodontist.
To confirm if a periodontist is a registered specialist, check on the website of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)