Call Us 9650 2726

Level 1,
Manchester Unity Building, 220 Collins St, Melbourne

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Why Choose Us

Collins Street Specialist Centre offers patients the full range of dental specialist treatment in one location. 

Registered Dental Specialists

Understand that dentistry, like all health sciences, is becoming ever more specialised as time passes, and that one clinician cannot be expected to know and do everything. You will therefore benefit from an almost seamless peer treatment planning process and internal referral system that gives you peace of mind: the best and most qualified dentists and specialists will be attending to your individual needs. In addition, our dedicated management team and experienced patient co-ordinators will be co-ordinating your care and maintaining dialogue between our various clinicians and yourself.

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Peer Review

We also offer patients the advantage of peer review. Not all dental cases are straightforward or simple. It is appropriate for some dental patients to consult with and be treated by a number of specialists in the various fields of dentistry. This process is much more efficient and effective when all parties are in one place, enabling peer collaboration to be coordinated and well planned – as well as caring and personalised.

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Superior Technology

Appreciate that technological advances in dentistry are integral to excellent dental care in modern times. Our commitment to advanced treatment modalities, together with the economies of scale of a practice the size of ours, has enabled us to purchase and maintain the very best technological tools. This significant drawcard attracts the best clinicians to our practice. They are motivated by having at their fingertips all of the advanced and fully tested technology available.

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Our Location

Visit a visually beautiful and emotionally serene dental practice on a scale like no other. Over the past 27 years, Melbournians have embraced our practice and their support has made us strong. We have returned their confidence by painstakingly restoring and rejuvenating, over a period of twelve years, the most heritage-significant spaces of the Manchester Unity Building, which houses our dental practice today. A precious part of Melbourne’s heritage has thus been secured for you and your children to savour whenever you come to the dentist. “The best people using the best equipment” in the best environment, technically and aesthetically.

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