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In bringing together under one roof the full range of dental specialists – general dentists, registered specialists and dental hygienists – Collins Street Specialist Centre does away with the need for patients to spend time, energy and funds in going from one practice to another to receive all of the various treatments.
At Collins Street Specialist Centre, our team of Dental Board-registered specialists covers all of the six main fields of dental specialisation, namely: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and Paediatric Dentistry.
We also offer patients the advantage of peer review. Not all dental cases are straightforward or simple. It is appropriate for some dental patients to consult with and be treated by a number of specialists in the various fields of dentistry. This process is much more efficient and effective when all parties are in one place, enabling peer collaboration to be coordinated and well planned – as well as caring and personalised.
Specialist Oral & Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon
B.D.Sc. (Melb.), M.B.B.S (Hons.) (Melb.), PGDip.Surg.Anat (Melb.), M.D.Sc (O.M.S.)(Melb.), F.R.A.C.D.S (O.M.S.), F.R.C.S (Ed.)
Specialist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
BHB (Auck), MBChB (Auck), BDS (Otago), FRACDS (OMS)
Specialist Periodontist
BDSc (Birm), MClinDent (Lond), PGDipCD (Melb), MRACDS (Perio)
Specialist Endodontist
BDSc (Melb), FRACDS, DCD(Melb), GCertClinTeach, MRACDS (Endo)